St Valentine's Favorites

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Quotes on St Valentine's Day, Love and Romance

Page 37

  • Passions unguided are for the most part mere madness.
    - Thomas Hobbes

  • Make love now, by night and by day, in winter and in summer... You are in the world for that and the rest of life is nothing but vanity, illusion, waste. There is only one science, love, only one riches, love, only one policy, love. To make love is all the law, and the prophets.
    - Anatole France

  • The only difference between a caprice and a life-long passion is that the caprice lasts a little longer.
    - Oscar Wilde

  • To be exempt from the passions with which others are tormented, is the only pleasing solitude.
    - Joseph Addison

  • Jealousy would be far less torturous if we understood that love is a passion entirely unrelated to our merits.
    - Paul Eldridge

  • It's just so uninteresting to live without love.
    Life has not risk. Love just seems to make life not just livable, but a gallant, gallant event.
    - Toni Morrison

  • Love is an alliance of friendship and animalism; if the former predominates it is passion exalted and refined; if the latter, gross and sensual.
    - C C Colton

    Quotes 38

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